Tuesday, April 12, 2011

HW 44 - Comments on Other People's Projects

To Javon:

Javon Lloyd Perry, i really enjoyed reading your choice of project. your interest in abortions and the role in plays in women's lives in the United State truly shows. since abortions wasnt a topic that was really touched upon during class. i valued your research because you looked at an experts point of view of abortion, and tuned in to the emotional toll it had on her. by initally doing research on the topic and  interview someone who experienced it. your project engaged me because abortions is something that is pretty common to my ear, and it is a touchy and great debatable action. i think you couldve furthered your project by maybe interviewing another individual, maybe even a male figure. see how the two differ

Overall great job,

To Devin:  Devin, what a creative way to go about researching pregnancy. Giving a medical procedure of cutting the umbilical cord during pregnancy much more significant and something that causes concern. Not only that you researched the topic and provided advocacy to the community by making a flyer/ pamphlet. this project and topic gives great interest to me because i wouldn't look so closely at the quick and timely procedure of cutting the umbilical cord. that the time it is done shows nightmarish acts of a hospital birth.

To Abdoul: your project really picked at the key reason why many do not know of the alternative of home births. our country, the United States, do not provide the community with enough information to know of a hospitals birth's faults.connecting to the United States healthcare system was also very clever and essential to birth unit. your project stands out to me because me because you touch upon little bit of everything. to make your project better i feel you have many clever ideas but you must intertwine them together. something i didnt look to do myself. good job abdoul



  1. I think the detail in which you evaluated other peoples projects demonstrates you examined them closely. I would just get more specific about ways they can improve however i liked that you related it to what you have/ have not done.

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