Food is one of the most important aspects of our world. People depend on food because it’s what gives you physical and mental energy to keep up with your everyday life of survival. But in our community in society our supply and demand is different from others. Every block you walk on your bound to see a fast food restaurant, that is cheap and “Fast” and that’s what’s appealing to many because theirs not a lot of businesses that endorse the natural components of food(organic) or vegetarian food. It’s appealing to many because it’s the most convenient. My priorities compare because I look to eat what’s most delightful at that time, if it’s good, not as expensive and if it’s able to be well digested. Also living in a Hispanic household where stuffing your child’s face is apart of loving my priorities in food are altered by what I see and what I’m use to and overtime I look to change this.
Food is very sacred. Most households in our society have social practices where everyone must have a meal in the morning time which is called breakfast, during the day (lunch) and most important out of all is dinner. Dinner time is where families look for food to bring their families closer together at the dinner table. You always hear the same saying, “I have to be home for dinner” and this is because the dinner table is where you eat good food, elaborate on your day and spend time with your family.
The ideal meal to me is an appetizer like a salad, than comes a meat and a side, a beverage and lastly a dessert. Everywhere you go that is the course of your meal for that time and to me it should consist of what ever you want at that time. We take advantage of the food we eat on a daily basis because we don’t see that animals are killed from it, it’s manufactured poorly, causes diseases in some cases and more. But like myself I don’t look at the fault in what we eat. My typical meal fails to meet these standards because I eat what I want. Some eat their vegetables; I eat what I crave and what taste good.
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