Tuesday, February 15, 2011

HW 34 - Some Initial Thoughts On Birth

The idea of birth is seen as a beautiful and naturally occurring thing in the human life. Birth is the beginning of someones life story and death is the end of it. When you come to think about, is death the only moment in life that brings fear? As we seem to come up with things like the ipad to make "life easier", similar how we've been advancing with medication to refrain from birth and lessen its physical affect. So is birth so beautiful? I still believe it is, but we provide contraceptives like the morning after pill(e.c), the condom, the ring, the shot and more to sugar code and cover up birth. Makes me think of makeup and how  sometimes its used to bring  out the beautiful its also a way to hide.                                                    
Fear is something everyone faces in life. Birth and its process is scary by itself, but the pysological affect it has on an individual is scary. The way fear can grab a hold of someone who isn't ready for what comes before and after birth. Sad to say but its hard not to notices a number of single mothers walking down the street on a daily basis.  

  • u.s pregnancy rate vs. other countrys
  • how does social class play a role in ones views on birth?
  • why such a painful process?
  •  what are the responsibilites of both genders before and after birth?
  • why is it such a contraversial and sensitive topic?

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