Sunday, October 24, 2010

Food, Inc. Response

Food Inc. gives us the visual perspective of what occurs behind the scenes in the fast food industry. The domination it has had and has obtained for the last 50 years. “The way we eat today changed more in the last 50 years than in the past 10,000". This quote from Food inc. shows us this transformation and the impact it has really had. From cattle being fed grass (organic) to being fed corn, anti-biotic and steroids. Processed food and its overproduction making it possible for the low prices of food. Paying for crap. Genetically modified food becoming out of control and being pushed to be highly used by other countries as well. American influence. Huge cooperation’s making millions off the subsidies. the government, the ones who are suppose to be the ones in control and "taking care" are also apart of the problem. The fight to shutdown and sue these factories, stop false labeling, false advertising and more had backfired. Everything will diminish in our society if these cooperation’s are effected.

Food inc. offers us to actually see visually the corruption of these billion dollar cooperation’s. Whereas Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser shows us this through facts and narratives. the film shows you common experiences of those who have been hurt  and have dealt with the alterations that fast food has inflicted on their farm communities .things we don’t see are put out there, the production of cattle, how their hurt, overly fed and even contaminated. The music that the film provides shows the feelings that us the audience are reacting towards what has become new and shameful to see. The film combined with the book has given me a different and powerful perspective on food.

I’m not left with many questions about the film. Its just mind boggling. To read but than be given visual shows me the true colors of our food system and the way we live. What I do want to know, is how will things change? Those "things" include everything that has been put in front of us to buy these products, what hasn’t been put in front of to stop us. Broad question because I have no clue on how a world that is totally conformed can possibly change. Over the years I hope to see slight change but even that is a stiff prediction.

1 comment:

  1. Tamiko,

    In reading your blog its evident that you pay attention and think about what we're studying.

    Your blogs could use a lot of improvement;
    1. Publishing work on time and following instructions. For instance, your precis writing still doesn't fully use "author's voice."

    2. Proofreading your work. For instance, this short passage contains more than a handful of errors (grammar, punctuation, capitalization, coherence, and spelling), "Food inc. offers us to actually see visually the corruption of these billion dollar cooperation’s. Whereas Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser shows us this through facts and narratives. the film shows you common experiences of those who have been hurt and have dealt with the alterations that fast food has inflicted on their farm communities .things we don’t see are put out there, the production of cattle, how their hurt, overly fed and even contaminated. "

    3. A lack of specificity - for instance, you wrote, "The film combined with the book has given me a different and powerful perspective on food." Such as? What specifically do you see differently?

    I offer these critiques because I'm persuaded you seriously intend to become a sharp thinker and successful scholar.

    Good luck.
