1. Those that have and don’t have health insurance are both dealt with paying hefty amounts of medical bill and being totally rejected by its insurers.
This shows that American citizens are dealing with a corrupt health care system. Doctors get paid more not to help. They get a bonus to deny its patients care. So why wouldn’t they want to do so? Real life situations showed in the movie, indicate that even old men are faced with working hard labor to maintain there health insurance and medicine. A couple who both contained jobs and insurance became bankrupt due to expensive medical bills. Couple dealing with separate illnesses having no aid what’s so ever.
2. The United States would do better to adopt a socialized medical system that provides free health care to help support a longer life expectancy for its population.
Michael Moore indicates that countries with a socialized health care have a longer life expectancy. Instead of greedy private insurers, you have a nationalized health service that is directly in the governments hands. Who have this sort of health care are, Britain, France, Canada and Cuba. Doctors are able to choose to work for the government or a private organization. Doctors treats all their patients and don’t do any denying of providing care.
Michael Moore claims that Cubans have a higher expectancy rate than the United States. Through his point of view and citizens from other countries, Michael Moore gives the impression that there’s a major difference in life expectancy rate of Cuba and its great health care and United state' corrupt one. The article proves this claim to be wrong by saying that the both countries contains expectancy rate that is fairly equal. Google Public Data states that the life expectancy of a Cuban in 2008 was 78.7 years old and in the United States 78.4 years. There isn’t any significant differences between the twos data of expectancy rates. Meaning Michael Moore's argument isn’t accurate or fact but more of an assumption.
It’s sad to see our health care system that exploits our needs for profit. Profit being much more important the help of a bunch of people. Michael Moore did a great job targeting the affects and the cons that the United States health care system has. He shows the significant differences between the lives of the sick and unhealthy for those in the United States and in other countries. making me think more about growing old and having to deal with a corrupt system that takes my hard earned tax money and don’t provide needed help. Maybe i should move to a countrie like Canada that seemed so heavenly compared to the cruelness showed in the film. But what Michael Moore did not do though was present any solutions.i cant think of one myself and maybe that's because it would be a miracle to change the mentality of individuals in a Profit based culture that would adopt a socialized health care system.